Sunday, September 6, 2009

Le vin et le fromage (Wine and Cheese)

Well, I have been in Paris 9 days now, and I am wondering if wine and cheese in combination are a food group in France...if so, it is at the top of their food pyramid. How do these people stay so skinny? And, to make it worse, wine and cheese are extremely affordable. I have come to the source, so obviously they reward you. I haven't paid more than 4 euro for a bottle of wine ($6) and they have all been fantastic. The cheese is also incredible, however, the French are lacking in the cracker department. They think a small size of toast constitutes a cracker...oh how wrong they are!! When I come home at Christmas, I am loading up on the Breton crackers. Along with a few other things you just can't find here: dryer sheets, peanut butter (it' all about Nutella here), lined paper, as in legal pads, and cheap contact solution - a bottle is 15 euros - that's 4 great bottles of wine!

Shopping at Auchan, the French like playing a game. I find myself searching and searching for a section of food and when I finally find it, trying to decipher which brand I should buy, trying to translate the french to english and then calculating in my head euros to dollars. And I can't buy too much at a time because I have to carry it from the store to the train, ride the train two stops, and then I have a 10 minute walk from the station to my dorm. And this is usually at the end of a school day so I am carrying my laptop, at least one book and a few folders of thick case studies. Can you say chiropractor?

It is all a learning process. I am sure by this time next month I will have this grocery routine mastered!! And if anyone wants to send crackers, you will be my friend for life!


  1. Wine and Cheese does sound like a great breakfast, lunch, and dinner. But I thought you really didn't like cheese. Or do you make an allowance for brie and bagette?

  2. Bonjour Krispi, Ca Va ? J'aime beaucoup ton blog ! C'est Georges d'Ecosse ici. Wine is definetely a food group, and cheese does not make you fat. The French eat more cheese and drink more wine than even than me, you Brian and Lisa combined (on average in one go), and have less body fat than any western civilization.

    Veulliez pardoner mon Français, ça fait malheureusement trente ans que je ne l’ais parlé!! Je suis sûr, que ton Anglais est bien meilleur que mon Français, mais je voudrais apprendre.

    A bientôt,
